Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

hey mr DJ, turn the music up

Ive been contemplating for a while now about trying djing out, a few of my friends are djs and ive had a go on their decks a few times. its pretty fun, and if your good enough you can make a job out of it, what a life, free entry to places, free drinks, getting paid to play music & meeting sick people... plus its pretty Hott ;)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Best week of my life!

SurfersparidiseOneWeek10Girls ThousandsofBoysAlcoholSexDrugs BitchinessDancingKissingRandomboys FlashingPoolClubsBeachShotsMessyHotFreshmeat, What i would do for another week like that...
i mean check out the Bar tenders..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

. This Is British Youth

Shake it like a polaroid picture..

So im looking to invest in a Polaroid Camera , Any suggestions as to where to buy one or whats a good Brand ?? Any help would be much appreciated.


Ohh how i love you Jeffery Campbell.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

here you will dream of endless kissing

So it only took a little over one year but ive finally moved into my brand new house! inspiration for what my room will 'hopefully' look like.. these are my new Miranda July pillow cases, i thought they were pretty Fresh Hope your all well !! xx

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Just some more pictures i like to keep things interesting. Check out , theres a fuckload of different pictures

Sunday, May 16, 2010

First day out

Hey guys thought id try this whole blog thing out, im still getting used to the whole thing but start following me now !! xx

i HART her

Jessica Hart - born March 26, 1986 - grew up in Australia, Melbourne - currently living in NYC. Watch out for her sister aswell.

inspire me..

A few images that i saw today that were pretty & different. xx